In the past, “conventional” marketing used methods such as cold calling, telemarketing and expensive advertisements to inform the audience about the products/services. The advertised company would get leads by shouting out clever sales pitches focused on how great the company is and the benefits of its services.

The company’s sales team was in control of the sales process and its timing. This is the traditional outbound marketing approach. Since 2005, the sales process has moved online. Potential clients don’t just buy online but research questions and solutions on the Internet. Buyers now use the information they find online to select a company based on their needs and parameters. They are in control of the sales process and its timing. That’s where social media comes in.

Social media is not a trend that will soon pass by and is something more than just chatting with your friends on Facebook. It’s an online reality for companies, marketers and consumers.  It is a new marketing channel where you need to determine where your audience is. By simply having followers doesn’t mean that you have an audience. You also need to know where your audience is active and where your audience is searching. People use social media for searching, not only socializing. Every minute, people are conducting millions of queries on Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. and are receptive to social media messages. They view Twitter and Facebook as social networks, not marketing engines.

As a result, they’re less likely to see what you post as an advertisement and will be more likely to hear what you have to say. That is why social media marketing is hard. You have to keep up with the latest developments and trends if you want to be effective. What was hot a few years ago is dead today (e.g. MySpace) and what is hot today might not exist tomorrow.

Why social media? Because it is the best way to:

  • build up your brand and business
  • attract and inform new targeted audience about your goods and services
  • familiarize your existing clients about new products’ features or accompanied services
  • discover what actually customers think of your business
  • frame stronger and warmer relationships with existing customers

A social media marketing approach is the solution to: 

  • develop a stronger online presence
  • assist your company to understand how exactly the users-clients’ needs are met
  • use multiple marketing tools to connect with and engage leads
  • connect with potential buyers throughout all stages of the sales cycle
  • increase leads and sales

Would you like to understand more about social media or get help with your social media efforts? Contact us directly here or request a proposal.

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